More than 100 people attended the meeting at the Wisconsin Room of Lake Lawn Resort on Saturday, June 22nd. Many interesting topics were covered and we'll be reporting on them.
Here's the first: How can homeowners get aquatic plants removed from their lakefronts?
Things to know:
· The DNR does not allow the DLSD weed cutters to go past each pier head so they cannot go closer to shore.
· Smaller weed cutters have been investigated but they are very limited in carrying capacity and very labor intensive.
· There are a number of private weed cutters who service Delavan Lake. Some of them are:
o Aquatic Biologists
o Dive Guys Aquatic Weed Removal
o Riese Aquatics LLC
o Sweeney's Aquatic Weed Removal
o Thomas Seaweed Removal
o Walworth Lakes Weed Removal
· The DLIA does not endorse these vendors; they’ve been recommended by members and friends.
· If permits are needed for removal, the vendor will take care of it – but ask for details.